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2023 AGM Voting instructions

Regarding voting procedure  at the forthcoming AGM.  As there will be a vote required for remits and some positions on the National Executive this guideline is provided for the advice of all members.

1. The constitution requires any vote to be conducted by a show of hands at the AGM itself.

2. Votes on remits can only be cast at the AGM itself by those members in attendance. The constitution does not allow proxy votes for remits, the only proxy votes that can be cast is for the election of officers.

3. Only full and current financial members may vote (Associates may not vote) for remits and election of officers.

4. Where the vote is for a National Vice-Presidents’ role only those full and financial members from that island are entitled to vote (eg: South Island members can only vote for the position of South Island VP, only North Island members can vote for the position of North Island VP). 

5. Members entitled to vote for the election of officers who cannot attend the AGM may submit a proxy vote for the election of officers. This must only be on the official proxy voting form issued by the National Secretary and which will contain the names of all candidates.  This will be made available by email to affected members and posted on the club’s  website to download ONCE nominations close on 03 February 2023, and an announcement is made as to which positions on the National Executive are being contested. 

6.  Any proxy votes not on the official proxy form will be discounted.

7. Scrutineers for the voting will be South Island VP Chris Harvey and National Information Officer Chris Guy.  They will be tasked with counting the show of hands and verifying members’ are entitled to vote by checking with the current membership list (note we currently have over 100 members who have still not renewed their membership, some of whom are longstanding members and are still attending Club and chapter events). Please ensure your chapter members’ status is valid if they wish to vote.

8. Where a vote is for a Vice-President’s role, those present at the AGM not entitled to vote will be asked to move to the back of the room while the vote is held to assist the scruiners more accurately count the show of hands.

9. Anyone who has not had their membership validated under the requirement of the constitution to collect their membership card and patch from the chapter president, are not in fact members and therefore not entitled to vote.

10. All candidates for positions will be asked to give a short address to the AGM as to why members should vote for them. This is to assist those voters who may not know the candidates and may be undecided. 

11. In the unlikely event of any tied votes, the National President must cast the deciding vote. Convention requires this must be against the remit or for the incumbent as any election must be decided on a clear majority of members wishes.

12. Candidates may vote for themselves.

13. As previously advised, all current officers on the National Executive have made themselves available for re-election. To abide by the requirements of the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 requiring officers to avoid a conflict of interest, any member of the National Executive who is not contesting an election for office may vote (where allowed) but must not create a conflict of interest by involving themselves in campaign activities on behalf of any of the candidates.


Jo Skelsey

National Secretary

Triumph Riders Motorcycle Club of New Zealand Inc.