
2025 AGM

2025 AGM - Palmerston North

The Club's AGM will be held in Palmerston North, Copthorne Hotel on Saturday 15 February starting at 9.30am.
The Nomination Form for anyone interested in standing for the National Executive is available on the club’s website. There is also a Remit Form for any member wishing to submit a remit for the AGM's consideration. You will find both these forms on the website. To obtain a copy, login to the membership website and go to the “Document Archives” section where there is links to both documents. Please note that forms must be received by 5:00pm on 3rd January 2025. Completed forms should be sent to Jo Skelsey at secretary@triumphriders.co.nz If you believe that it will take you longer than this to complete a form, please advise Jo by the cut off date of your intention to submit a nomination or remit.
The full AGM weekend is on 14th, 15th & 16th February 2025. Registration and Meal orders are now available for purchase in the TRMCC online shop. Login to the membership website, go to the “Online Store” and purchase both registration (this is only required for members, not your partners), and any meals that you require. If you are purchasing meals for partners that are not members please select the non-member option for them.
For accommodation bookings, please email Elya Evenson at the Copthorne Hotel at elya.evenson@millenniumhotels.co.nz or phone 06 356 8059. Don’t forget to mention that you are with Triumph Riders Motorcycle Club (TRMCC) or use code 1585566 to obtain the club rate. The hotel room prices are $175 per room.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


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